(7 Gambar) Lembu berkaki 6

Additions: Lilli the cow had two extra legs when she was born in Bern, Switzerland, earlier this year

Seekor anak lembu betina berkaki enam menyangkal ramalan doktor haiwan bahawa ia tidak akan dapat hidup lama. 

Lilli yang kini berusia tujuh minggu menjadi selebriti di Switzerland selepas media tempatan menyiarkan gambar ia bermain-main di padang Petani, Andreas Knutti dari Weissenburg yang terletak 30 kilometer ke selatan ibu kota Switzerland, Bern memberitahu, dia tidak sampai hati untuk menghapuskan anak lembu peliharaannya kerana ia bersemangat untuk hidup.

Dia memberitahu akhbar tempatan, Blick kelmarin bahawa kecacatan tulang belakang menyebabkan Lilly tidak dapat mengeluarkan susu seperti lembu susu lain.

Namun, kata Knutti, jika anak lembu itu kekal sihat, ia akan dibenarkan menyertai lembu-lembu lain di padang ragut pergunungan Alpine pada musim panas ini. – AGENSI

Fighting fit: the newborn Lilli in March when she defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that wouldn't survive
Six-legged calf "Lilli" stands on the pasture of its owner Andreas Knutti, in Weissenburg, Switzerland, Thursday, March 29, 2012.Six-legged calf "Lilli" stands on the pasture of its owner Andreas Knutti, in Weissenburg, Switzerland, Thursday, March 29, 2012.

Connection: Farmer Andreas Knutti, and his daughter Semira, have taken a shine to the six-limbed animal and he says if the calf stays healthy she'll still be allowed to join the others when they head for their Alpine pastures this summer

Future: The farmer said that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow
Survival: It seems Lilli's zest for life saved her from certain death - in August 2010, a two-legged lamb was born in China. The lamb was to be killed but it is reported that when the farmer saw the lamb's determination to live, she kept him as a pet

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